Henry Hung Chang (b. 1989, Taipei, Taiwan) lives and works in Brooklyn, New York. Chang received his Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Design from National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (2012), and studied Illustration at School of Visual Arts, New York (2015). Chang has exhibited his work in a two-person exhibition, curated by Qiaoyi Shi, at YUI Gallery in New York, NY; the Leslie-Lohman Museum Project Space in New York, NY; and the University of Illinois Chicago in Chicago, IL. Chang has won an AI-AP American Illustration award, and his work has been published in The Advocate and GAYLETTER.

Selected Exhibition

2024 (current) PLATFORM x GAYLETTER: The Pride Curation - Group Show - PLATFORM  : - New York

2023 Lecture and online exhibition - the UIC Gender and Sexuality Center, University of Illinois Chicago - United States

2022 Envisioning Ourselves as Creator - the UIC Gender and Sexuality Center, University of Illinois Chicago - United States

2019 Spaced Out - Two-person show with Sally J. Han -YUI Gallery - New York, United States

2019 Masculine Collusion - Group show - The Leslie-Lohman Museum Project Space - New York, United States

2018 Boy Bordello Fundraiser - Group show - The Leslie-Lohman Museum - New York, United States

Publication / Award

2023 GAYLETTER - ISSUE 18 - Artist Profile

2020 Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology - Easy Read Museum Guide bespoke illustrations

2020 Dreck Magazine - SKIN - Artist interview 

2019 The Advocate Magazine - Artist interview

2019 AI-AP American Illustration 38 Chosen Winners 

2012 (12th) Young Designers’ Exhibition YODEX Award - Honorable Mention 



cv/editorial portfolio available upon request.  

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